When a major International corporation such as L’Oreal patents treatments for both men’s and women’s hair loss, this would have to be considered significant news to hair loss sufferers. Patents in this area cost on average $600,000, and can take years to obtain. It is highly unlikely that a major corporation will move forward with the patent process and monetary investment unless they are reasonably sure in advance that they have something that works.

      In this case L’Oreal and Nestle teamed up in a joint venture and formed the subsidiary Inneov, headquarted in France, specifically to market nutricosmetics, a niche allowing them to move researched products much faster to commercial availability than the traditional drug approval route, which takes billions and many more years. Not that this is an inexpensive venture-the initial investment into L’Oreal’s and Nestle’s Nuricosmetic research was approximately $594 million.

      Chief among their initially marketed Nutricosmetics in 2004 was a Taurine based treatment for women’s hair loss known as HairMass. The sales of HairMass wildly exceeded projections, and was being used successfully in significant numbers by men as well as women. Consumers in Europe are now able to buy Inneov pills specifically designed to thicken men’s hair. The success men were already having using Hair Mass designed for women notwithstanding, L’Oreal/Inneov have tweaked the original Taurine/Green Tea/Grape Seed/Zinc based Hair Mass formula to make it more effective for men, by adding phytosterols, principally beta sitosterol, to inhibit 5 alpha reductase and reduce DHT binding/activity in the hair follicle.

      Here is an excerpt from a business journal discussing the L’Oreal/Nestle joint venture:

Scientists have also expanded the product line of nutricosmetics for Inneov, L’Oreal’s line of edible beauty supplements, developed with Swiss food giant Nestle, launched in 2004. The promise is simple: take one of the little dark pink pills every day, and the firmness of your skin will improve. By the end of 2004, consumers were able to buy Inneov pills to thicken hair and firm skin. They currently have a pill to enhance sun protection. “We started with a product that demonstrably shows you have firmer skin,” Owen-Jones . L’Oreal’s CEO stated. “This is not snake oil.”

L’Oreal is convinced that boomers will fight aging to the death and so demand more and more scientific solutions to that annoying biological problem. Company research shows that L’Oreal’s consumer used to be between ages 20 and 50. Now they’re between 15 and 70. Their relatively new Nutricosmetic, Inneov Homme Anti-Chute (Translated-Inneov Men’s anti-fall out) has received uniformly positive reviews, and sales have exceeded original expectations.

In this feature, we will delve into the ingredients, mechanisms and data of this men’s hair growth formula, and show how you can replicate it at a more potent, higher milligram dose at a fraction of the cost. Much of what you will read has been provided by Inneov, and is in French and translated by us into English. There are versions in various languages on their website: Inneov.com, but unfortunately as of yet, not English. We apologize in advance for any awkwardness in the phraseology as a result of our translation.

Inneov’s exclusive formula is able to naturally pass in the blood and reach inside the capillary bulb and dermal papilla.

      Active ingredients have been selected to help combat 4 biological mechanisms of men’s androgenetic hair loss.

      It is designed to promote manufacture of a strong thick hair.

      It reduces fall out and increases capillary density.

      L’Oreal’s hair biology researchers have highlighted the central role of the dermal papilla in anchorage and strength of the hair.

      Located at the base of the bulb, highly irrigated by a network of blood microvessels, dermal papilla provides an anchor for the hair, controlling its growth impulses and diameter. As long as the dermal papilla is healthy it stimulates the cells of the matrix multiplication, and hair remains firmly anchored, thick, and durable.

      4 processes can singularly or simultaneously undermine this effect.

* Excess 5 alpha reductase activity.

*Localized inflammation of the follicle.

*Stiffening or rigidification of the bulb-Fibrosis.

*Decrease of blood microcirculation.


Properties-highly concentrated source in phytosterols (99%, 100mg.), of which the primary constituent is Beta Sitosterol, extracted from Pine Fiber in an environmentally friendly process.

Mechanism of action-5AR is an enzyme that is involved in both prostate disorders and MPB. On the basis of the results obtained with phytosterols on the prostate, researchers have investigated their effects on male hair loss, and have found significantly positive results.


Properties– Natural mineral, 5 mg.

Mechanism of action-Zinc mildly inhibits 5ar and participates in the synthesis of keratin.


Properties-Free form amino acid made in synthetic form. Dose close to 3 times the average dietary intake.

Mechanism of action-protects the hair follicles (and other organ systems in the body) from fibrosis, battling the over production of collagen. Taurine is therapeutically used in high doses to treat and prevent Acetaminophen (Tylenol) toxicity Cirrhosis of the Liver, Cystic Fibrosis, and Pulmonary Fibrosis, among many other conditions.


Properties-2 plant extracts rich in polyphenols.

Mechanisms of action:

– protect follicle from localized inflammation.

– protect microcirculation to revive the intake of essential nutrients to the bulb.

Efficacy measured in clinical studies under dermatological control.Innéov Homme:

Anti-hair loss benefits from a clinical study carried out on 102 subjects during 16 weeks with a daily intake of 2 capsules, following a strict and rigorous methodology.The measured clinical results concern:* Slowing down of the hair loss process* Capillary density, which relates to the number of hairs anchored by cm.* Quality of hair and more particularly hair strength and thickness.

Slowing Hair Fallout/Reduction in shedding:

      For 2 months, The Following results were noticed:* 76% say the product significantly reduced or completely stopped shedding and subjectively increased hair density.* 83% reported their hair is stronger, its quality has improved.

      At the 8 week point the research was already seeing positive results. They analyzed the ratio of hair in the shedding, ( telogen) phase versus the amount of hair in the growth, (anagen) phase at baseline, 8 weeks, and again at 16 weeks. This process of analyzing anagen to telogen ratio, in addition to actual hair counts is an established and widely used method to determine the efficacy of hair loss treatments, including many trials on Propecia, Rogaine and Nizoral Shampoo.

      At baseline they found that both the supplemented and un-supplemented, placebo groups had a shedding (telogen) percentage of approximately 27% and a growth (anagen) percentage of 74%, fairly standard for men afflicted in the early or middle stages of Androgenetic Alopecia.

      At the 8 week point they found that the un-supplemented, placebo group, showed a shedding percentage decrease of 1% and the supplemented group showed a shedding decrease of 19%. The un-supplemented group showed a 1% increase of hair the growth,(anagen) phase and the supplemented group showed a 6.9% increase in the the growth (anagen) phase. Bear in mind that both finasteride and minoxidil show virtually no effect at the 2 month point.

      At the 4 month, (16 week) point, the placebo group showed a shedding/telogen rate of 28%, 1 percentage point above baseline at the beginning of the study. The supplemented group, by contrast, showed a 29.5% decrease in the shedding /telogen rate.

      In hairs found to be in the growth/anagen phase, the unsupplemented placebo group showed a regression to below baseline levels by 3%. The supplemented group, again in even more stark contrast, showed an 11.3% increase in hair in the anagen phase, showing a measurable, clinically significant effect.

Hair Density      Hair density measurements (hair counts) were taken in the pattern hair loss area in a .651cm2 at baseline, 8 weeks and again at 16 weeks.

      At baseline, it was found that both supplemented and placebo groups had an average of 115 visibly measurable, terminal hairs in the measured area. At 8 weeks the placebo group showed a 2% increase to 118 hairs, and the supplemented group showed a 9.4 % increase in hair counts. At 16 weeks the placebo group regressed to baseline levels of 115 hairs, and the supplemented group showed a 13.8% increase to 137 hairs in the measured area. Neither finasteride nor minoxidil have shown comparable increases in hair counts over a 16 week period.

      In addition to the clinical study, a use test was conducted on 123 volunteers for only 8 weeks. 76% reported the product reduced shedding and was beginning to re-densify hair. 83 % reported their hair as stronger and better. It is likely there would be an even higher number of positive reports at the 16 week point.

      Inneov’s Homme The combined milligram total for a daily dose of this product is 700mg.

      Anti-Chute fortunately can readily be replicated at a more potent, much higher milligram dose, for significantly less, at least for those living in the US.

      The most essential ingredient in both the men’s and women’s formulas is one of the cheapest-Taurine. The amount of Taurine used in this formula is 150mg. Taurine can be used in higher milligram doses, for a greater therapeutic, fibrosis prophylaxis benefit. Taurine is cost negligible, completely safe and is used in doses of several grams a day to enhance cardiac functioning, increase fast twitch muscle ratio/ production in Athletes, enhance energy production and to treat various fibrosis conditions, body wide, ie lung, liver fibrosis, etc.

      The active constituent studied in Pine Phytosterols in the men’s formula is beta sitosterol. Beta sitosterol is well documented to be beneficial for prostate function, and has one positive published study evaluating its effects on hair growth. Inneov’s research team found it inhibited/reduced 5 alpha reductase activity and lowered DHT levels in the scalp areas affected by pattern hair loss. Super Saw Palmetto with Beta Sitosterol contains Beta Sitsterol in a dose of 90mg, in addition to the active constituents of a European patented critical deep CO2 Extract of Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto, as you may know, inhibited DHT binding to receptor sites in all tissue samples analyzed in one study.

The Ultra Natural Prostate Formula contains 180 mg of Beta Sitosterol in a daily dose, along with the critical extract of Saw Palmetto and lignans from Norway Spruce and Flax, that down-regulate Androstenedione, an androgen involved in balding that is typically left unaccounted for in the treatment process. The multi-ingredient Ultra Natural Prostate Formula has benefits for hair that go well beyond the local 5AR enzyme inhibiting properties of Pine phytosterol (beta sitosterol) alone.

      Grape Seed Extract is used to protect micro-capillary circulation. Grape Seed Extract has been recommended by us for years for this very reason. Because of this specific mechanism, it also protects against senescent, or age related thinning of the hair, which occurs independent of hormone mediated hair loss in aging individuals. Grape Seed Extract w/Resveratrol and Pterostilbene contains 100mg of pharmaceutical grade Grape Seed Extract per capsule along with 20mg of Resveratrol and .125mg of Pterostilbene, which in addition to added hair growth benefits, activates Sirtuin 1, the longevity gene.

      Green Tea Extract, like Grape Seed Extract is used in the women’s formula Hair Mass as well as the men’s. Mega Green Tea Extract has the polyphenol equivalant of 10 cups of Green Tea. It is a 98% extract that contains 45% EGCG (326.25mg per capsule) the most documented therapeutic anti-inflammatory constituent of Green Tea. Taking 1 capsule of Green Tea daily is far more economical and practical than consuming 10 cups of Green Tea.

      Zinc Gluconate can be substituted with a more bio-available form of Zinc-Zinc monomethionine, also known as ZinCaps, which is cost neglible, and confers more therapeutic benefits than the lower cost versions such as Zinc gluconate or sulfate.

      Since our feature on L’Oreal’s women’s formula, Hair Mass and follow up recommendations , the feedback from both genders has been positive. With Hair Mass and/or Inneov Homme Anti-Chute, you will get in addition to hair growth improvement, a large spectrum of anti-aging benefits. Given the ingredients of this formula, there is absolutely no reason why it would not be equally, if not more efficacious in dealing with women’s hair loss.