It is common knowledge in both the scientific and sports communities that the vast majority of bodybuilders and top performing athletes in sports that require either speed, strength or explosiveness use Anabolic Steroids, (AS). They do so with good reason. Pro-Hormones and state of the art nutritional supplements notwithstanding, AS are still unparalled in their ability to produce gains in lean body mass. In some sports, such as Football, Baseball and MMA, it is virtually impossible to stay competitive without them. Milder forms of steroids are used at lower doses as male hormone replacement to treat middle aged and older men for low testosterone. In that regard, “testosterone replacement therapy” or TRT, is technically the usage of AS.
Anabolic Steroids, including testosterone replacement, confer multiple desired benefits but will reliably cause hair loss and an acceleration of male or female pattern baldness unless you know what to do about it.
Having said that, not *all* AS are likely to cause or even accelerate hair loss. Some AS are much worse at causing hair loss than others. Based upon the unique chemical structures of different steroids we present this simple, to the point guide to commonly available Anabolic Steroids on the US and European markets and their propensity to produce androgenic side effects, most notably acne and male (and female) pattern hair loss.
As we’ve discussed in prior updates, it is possible to reap the cosmetic, functional, and health benefits of steroids and neutralize the hair loss side effect if you go about it the right way. This update will integrate the latest available information in regards to both specific steroid effects and interventions.
How to Prevent Hair Loss While Using Anabolic Steroids
This can be readily accomplished by adhering to the following guidelines:
1. Use steroids that have minimal androgenic, and thus hair loss (and acne) inducing side effects.
2. Quell the inflammation (medically termed “perifollicular inflammation”) around the hair follicle that is invariably reported by those on cycle as a tangible burning/itching sensation in the scalp. This can be addressed by simply using topical low temperature processed Emu Oil and the oral use of Resveratrol combined with Curcumin.
3. Aggressively control the conversion of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This can be easily done several ways;
* Propecia – 1mg/day, combined with Dutasteride, 0.5 mg, once a week (can cause Gyno, because in addition to reducing DHT, it causes a concurrent increase in Estrogen, particularly when combined with exogenous Testosterone).
* Theaflavin (Black Tea) Extract – reduces DHT by same percentage as Propecia, also DECREASES ESTROGEN and raises Testosterone, producing a libido enhancing effect while reducing the risk of male breast enlargement.
* The combination of Ultra Natural Prostate Formula with Astaxanthin w/phospholipids, significantly reduces DHT, Estrogen, in addition to increasing Testosterone.
4. Inhibit the binding of DHT to receptor sites – Ultra Natural Prostate Formula – the critical extracts of phytosterols in this formula are especially effective at inhibiting DHT binding to receptor sites, helping prevent both hair loss, acne and hirsutism.
5. Use 2 % Nizoral Shampoo 3-4 times a week, alternated with Follicure para Caspa, a Piroctone Olamine based shampoo that is even better than Nizoral at preventing and/or reversing hair loss