Compelling published evidence reveals that a viable way to help prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth is to consume concentrated sources of plant polyphenols.
Published studies show how polyphenol compounds improve endothelial function, which is a critical factor in preventing atherosclerosis. Polyphenols have also been shown to inhibit 5 alpha reductase (the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT) , regulate SHBG, and reduce inflammation, all identified mechanisms in Androgenetic Alopecia (MPB) .
J Dermatolog Treat. 2014 Dec 30:1-8. [Epub ahead of print]
Polyphenols as novel treatment options for dermatological diseases: A systematic review of clinical trials.
Tuong W1, Walker L, Sivamani RK.
Author information
Abstract Background: Polyphenol phytochemicals demonstrate biological properties in vitro and in vivo that have led to the development of novel treatments for certain dermatological conditions. Objective: We sought to provide clinicians with an overview of clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of polyphenol-based therapies and highlight novel treatments and the evidence available supporting their use. Methods: PubMed and Embase databases were systematically searched to 4 July 2014. Two independent reviewers reviewed published abstracts for inclusion. References were also manually searched for relevant studies. Data were extracted independently from eligible studies and discrepancies were adjudicated by consensus. Results: Our search yielded 356 unique abstracts, of which 17 studies met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Polyphenols were used in topical and oral forms. High-quality evidence suggests that green tea polyphenols may be effective in treating anogenital warts. Additional available evidence indicates that polyphenols also benefit patients with alopecia, acne vulgaris, fungal infections, hyperpigmentation or photoaged skin. Conclusions and relevance: Evidence-based knowledge regarding the effectiveness, indications and side effects of polyphenol-based phytochemicals is needed as their clinical use increases within dermatology. We qualitatively conclude that polyphenols may be effective in treating certain dermatological conditions. Additional rigorously conducted clinical trials are needed to further evaluate efficacy.
Of particular interest are concentrated polyphenol extracts derived from Green Tea, and Grape Seed — which complement each other as not only hair loss treatments, but also counter disease such as cancer, allergies, and cognitive decline.
Green tea extracts or EGCG supplementation has also been shown to reduce body fat and waist circumference in healthy overweight adults.
Several studies have demonstrated the hair growth stimulation properties of both topical and orally consumed Green Tea Extract.
A study conducted by Tsukuba Research Laboratories in Japan, that was published in the Swedish medical journal, Acta Derm Venereol, concluded that Grape Seed Extract increased the proliferation of hair follicle cells in mice, and quickened the transition of the resting phase to the anagen, ( growing) phase in the hair growth cycle.
Both Green Tea Extract and Grape Seed Extract are used in conjunction with Taurine and Zinc, as components of an oral hair loss treatment developed by L’Oreal, called Hair Mass.
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We have for years, and will continue to strongly recommend both Mega Green Tea Extract and Grape Seed Extract w/resveratrol as viable components of any hair loss treatment or anti-aging regime.
Both Green Tea Extract and beverage are far better absorbed if consumed with either vitamin C or a few drops of lemon juice.