Just published in April, 2016 in Research and Reports in Urology, Super Critical CO2 Saw Palmetto Extract, which is the primary ingredient in both Palmetto-Guard and Ultra Natural Prostate Formula, is proven to be as bioactive as finasteride, a standard prescription drug for Androgenetic Alopecia and prostate health.

      Saw Palmetto Extract has been tried for years by many as a treatment for MPB, with varying results. The rationale for its usage is clear. It both inhibits 5 alpha reductase, (the enzyme that converts testosterone into the more concentrated and androgenic DHT), and partially inhibits the binding of DHT to its receptor sites. 

      Its effect on Prostate function have been found to be comparable to finasteride. One study assessed the effects on hair growth of both finasteride (Propecia) and Saw Palmetto on hair growth and found positive results for both, with finasteride producing a slightly better result. 

Recently Published Study Validates Hair Growth Effects of Saw Palmetto

      All studies done on Saw Palmetto Extract on both hair growth and prostate function have utilized standard ethanolic extracts. 

      The relatively new supercritical CO2 process yields higher concentrations of biologically active free fatty acids than ethanolic (alcohol) extracts, and has always been considered to be significantly more potent than the standard ethanolic extracts that are typically available.

      This new study confirms that not only is the Super Critical CO2 Extract of Saw Palmetto a more potent inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase than standard Saw Palmetto Extract, it is more potent than finasteride as well, which has profoundly positive implications for its effects on scalp hair growth.

Res Rep Urol. 2016 Apr 21;8:41-9. doi: 10.2147/RRU.S96576. eCollection 2016.
Determination of the potency of a novel saw palmetto supercritical CO2 extract (SPSE) for 5@-reductase isoform II inhibition using a cell-free in vitro test system.
Pais P, Villar A, Rull S.

The nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent membrane protein 5@-reductase catalyses the conversion of testosterone to the most potent androgen – 5α-dihydrotestosterone.
Two 5α-reductase isoenzymes are expressed in humans: type I and type II. The latter is found primarily in prostate tissue. Saw palmetto extract (SPE) has been used extensively in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The pharmacological effects of SPE include the inhibition of 5α-reductase, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects. Clinical studies of SPE have been inconclusive – some have shown significant results, and others have not – possibly the result of varying bioactivities of the SPEs used in the studies.

To determine the in vitro potency in a cell-free test system of a novel SP supercritical CO2 extract (SPSE), an inhibitor of the 5α-reductase isoenzyme type II.

The inhibitory potency of SPSE was compared to that of finasteride, an approved 5@-reductase inhibitor, on the basis of the enzymatic conversion of the substrate androstenedione to the 5α-reduced product 5α-androstanedione.

By concentration-dependent inhibition of 5α-reductase type II in vitro (half-maximal inhibitory concentration 3.58�0.05 μg/mL), SPSE demonstrated competitive binding toward the active site of the enzyme. Finasteride, the approved 5α-reductase inhibitor tested as positive control, led to 63%-75% inhibition of 5α-reductase type II.

SPSE effectively inhibits the enzyme that has been linked to BPH, and the amount of extract required for activity is comparatively low. It can be confirmed from the results of this study that SPSE has bioactivity that promotes prostate health at a level that is superior to that of many other phytotherapeutic extracts. The bioactivity of SPSE corresponds favorably to that reported for the hexane extract used in a large number of positive BPH clinical trials, as well as to finasteride, the established standard of therapy among prescription drugs. Future in vitro and clinical trials involving SPEs would be useful for elucidating their comparative differences, as well as appropriate patient selection for their use.

      The solvent free, Supercritical CO2 extraction produces a higher concentration of Saw Palmetto’s natural constituents missing in other standardized extracts , yielding 4 times the beta carotene, 10 times the lutein and 30 times the zeaxanthin of the standard, commercially available saw palmetto low-pressure extracts. 

      Since standardized alcohol extracts have been predominantly commercially available for years, it is likely that most who have tried Saw Palmetto as a hair loss intervention have been significantly under-dosing on its active constituents.

      Ultra Natural Prostate, in addition to the Super Critical CO2 Extract of Saw Palmetto, provides 8 other scientifically validated standardized botanical extracts that have been shown to support hair growth and promote healthy prostate function. 

      Palmetto-Guard contains a high dose of Super Critical CO2 Saw Palmetto Extract, in addition to Beta Sitosterol extracted from Pine Trees, which inhibits DHT binding to receptor sites.

      The addition of Astaxanthin would be highly recommended if you are using either one of the above compounds, due to the combinations ability to significantly reduce blood levels of DHT, and estrogen, while concurrently raising testosterone-a boon for men�s health. 

Astaxanthin Supplement lowers DHT

      Unlike Propecia or Avodart, the combination of Palmetto Guard and Astaxanthin would function to increase libido, slow skin aging, and reduce post exercise inflammation. 

Stimulate Hair Growth and Have Younger Skin with Astaxanthin