Each year evidence has been accumulating that strongly suggest that Soy Isoflavones, among their other documented benefits, are a viable intervention for the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. 20 years ago, the FDA recognized Soy as a heart-healthy food that significantly improves cardiovascular function, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Numerous studies have concluded Soy is a prevention agent against Cancer, Asthma, Osteoporosis, and type 2diabetes.
One investigation found an inverse relationship between the overall rate of Soy consumption and MPB.
Androgenic Alopecia Is Associated with Less Dietary Soy
Other, even more compelling research, has identified specific mechanisms by which Soy exhibits this apparent hair loss prevention/reversal effect.
Soybean and baldness preventation: apparently, there is a link
These mechanisms include the reduction of serum DHT, inhibition of DHT to receptor sites, the facilitation of Equol production, and the stimulation of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) production in the dermis.
As quoted from the above, the stimulation and up-regulation of HA by Soy Isoflavones in the dermis “results in providing support, nourishment, and hydration to the deep layers of scalp, which in turn facilitates the good health of the hair follicles locating in the dermal layer” (Miyazaki et al. 2002). “In fact, HA powder has been shown to facilitate the turnover and regeneration of hair follicle keratinocytes” (Annely 2006). It has been posited HA forms a gel-like shield directly on the hair follicles which can protect them from the harmful effects of DHT.
There are those who are theoretically concerned that Soy Isoflavones may have the potential for feminizing side effects, but the literature and epidemiological evidence fail to support this. Gynaecomastia, (male breast enlargement) occurs at a significantly reduced incidence in heavy Soy consuming cultures, ie China, Japan, Korea vs Western cultures, in particular the United States.
A relatively recent extensive medica literature review concluded there are no feminizing side effects for Soy consumption for males;
Literature Review: Soy NOT Feminizing, Beneficial for Hair
We concluded years ago, based on the preponderance of evidene, that oral consumption of Soy Isoflavones are beneficial for human health, and can be safely recommended to both genders as an intervention for both Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Areata, and Skin laxity/Aging.
Soy Isoflavones for Hair Loss and Skin Aging
We specifically recommend Super Absorbable Soy Isoflavones as the Soy supplement of choice due to its significantly enhanced bio-availability Super Absorbale Soy Isoflavones provides Soy Extract standardized to isoflavones plus fermented soyfood (Natto) that provides additional benefits. Natto enhances isoflavone absorption and provides other nutrients contributed by the fermentation process. The enhanced absorption of genistein, daidzein, etc., is significant enough that only one capsule of Super Absorbable Soy Isoflavones is required each day, for health and hair growth purposes. The non-GMO Soynatto used in this formula is produced by a yeast fermentation process. Japanese researchers have found that this type of cultured broth from yeast helps promote healthy cell function and proliferation.
DHT reduction, and Equol production properties of Soy Isoflavones are greatly enhanced by the concurrent usage of Green Tea Extract. In an animal model, this combination , orally consumed at modest doses, decreased serum DHT by a percentage that even exceeded Propecia, ( finasteride).
Green Tea/Soy Combination additional mechanisms that benefit hairloss
Study: Soy Isoflavone Supplement Causes Marked Reduction in DHT