Green Tea has been one of our mainstay recommendations for hair loss treatment for many years. The lines of evidence pointing to its use as a hair loss treatment are many. To name a few, Green Tea inhibits 5 alpha reductase,( the enzyme that converts Testosterone into the more potent, hair loss inducing dihydrotestosterone or DHT), normalizes Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, (SHBG), and quells inflammation, which causes the progressive hair miniaturization seen in MPB.

      In addition to these identified mechanisms, this study shows a direct hair growth stimulation effect of a primary constituent of Green Tea, EGCG.

Phytomedicine. 2007 Aug;14(7-8):551-5. Epub 2006 Nov 7.
Human hair growth enhancement in vitro by green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

Kwon OS1, Han JH, Yoo HG, Chung JH, Cho KH, Eun HC, Kim KH.


Green tea is a popular worldwide beverage, and its potential beneficial effects such as anti-cancer and anti-oxidant properties are believed to be mediated by epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a major constituent of polyphenols. Recently, it was reported that EGCG might be useful in the prevention or treatment of androgenetic alopecia by selectively inhibiting 5alpha-reductase activity. However, no report has been issued to date on the effect of EGCG on human hair growth. This study was undertaken to measure the effect of EGCG on hair growth in vitro and to investigate its effect on human dermal papilla cells (DPCs) in vivo and in vitro. EGCG promoted hair growth in hair follicles ex vivo culture and the proliferation of cultured DPCs. The growth stimulation of DPCs by EGCG in vitro may be mediated through the upregulations of phosphorylated Erk and Akt and by an increase in the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax ratio. Similar results were also obtained in in vivo dermal papillae of human scalps. Thus, we suggest that EGCG stimulates human hair growth through these dual proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects on DPCs.

      Obtaining high levels of EGCG is difficult to do when consuming Green Tea exclusively as a beverage. At least 8-10 cups a day or more would be necessitated to have any appreciable effect on hair growth stimulation. Green Tea Extracts provide a more practical and cost effective approach to getting high doses of EGCG.

      If using Green Extract for any reason, it is prudent to combine it with a few drops of lemon juice and/or Vitamin C to further enhance and optimize the absorption of EGCG.

Significantly Enhanced Absorption of Green Tea

      Combining Green Extract with Soy Isoflavones has an effect dramatically reducing DHT levels by 80% in animal models, which is lower than DHT reduction of Propecia (65%)

Propecia Reduces DHT by 71% Black Tea Reduces DHT by 72%

Mega Green Tea Extract has the highest dose of EGCG, the hair growth promoting polyphenol in Green Tea, of any currently commercially available Green Tea Extract, (326.25 mg per capsule). The recommended dose of 1 capsule a day has the polyphenol equivalent of 10-15 cups of brewed Green Tea at $30.00 US for 100 capsules (1 a day). It can be economically integrated into any hair loss treatment regime.

      If you are also looking to sharply reduce serum DHT in addition to benefitting from the other hair growth mechanisms afforded by using Mega Green Tea Extract alone, you can concurrently use 1 capsule a day of Super Absorbable Soy Isoflavones.